Adaptive re-use of 639 York St

What is being proposed?

Start Communications is seeking a zoning amendment to allow for the adaptive re-use of, and additions to, an existing building for a federally regulated public utility use. The recommended zoning regulations for the site include a maximum height of 13 metres, 50% lot coverage, 80 parking spaces and a total gross floor area of 7,500 square metres (all buildings combined).


Next Steps

Update on 29 Aug 2017: planning and environment committee unanimously supported the staff recommendation, which will be considered by full council on 5 Sept 2017. The committee supported a request from the applicant to increase the maximum height of the building to 14.5 metres from 13 metres.

Planning staff are recommending approval of the zoning amendment, which will be considered by planning and environment committee at a public participation meeting on 28 Aug 2017 (not to be heard before 4:30pm).

From the staff report: "The requested action has been shown to be consistent with, and serving to implement, the policies of the PPS, the City of London Official Plan, and the London Plan. The recommended Zoning By- law amendment will serve to provide for the regeneration of an older industrial building in an industrial area that is transitioning from its historical land use."

Key Documents

Key Contacts

I'm interested to know what you think about the proposed re-zoning. Please provide your feedback in the box below, email me at [email protected] or call me at 226-268-7536 (mobile).

Brian Turcotte, Planner, 519-661-2489 ext 4651, [email protected]

Members of the planning and environment committee: my colleagues on the committee are Tanya Park (Chair), Stephen Turner (Vice Chair), Anna Hopkins and Maureen Cassidy.

Jen Pastorius is the manager of the Old East Village BIA. Her email is [email protected].

Peter Strack is the president of the Old East Village Community Association. His email is [email protected].