Zoning amendment: two 24-storey towers at 809 Dundas St

What is the purpose of the amendment?

The City of London is considering an amendment to the zoning by-law regarding the land at 809 Dundas Street. These lands are currently designated as a Main Street Commercial Corridor in the Official Plan. Main street commercial corridors are long-established, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented business districts. The rendering of the property, as viewed from the Southeast, can be seen below:


Paramount Developments (London) Inc. has applied for an amendment to the Z-1 Zoning By-Law, which currently permits a wide range of commercial, retail and residential uses with a maximum density of 250 units per hectare and a maximum height of 46 metres, to a Business District Commercial with a Special Provision Bonus Zone. The purpose of the change would be to permit a mixed-use development with two 24-storey towers containing 480 residential units and 1,845 square meters of commercial area on the ground floor. Below is a map of the proposed site and surrounding area:


The proposed change would allow for increased lot coverage (how much of the lot is covered by a building), an increased building height of 82 metres (up from 46 metres currently) and an increased maximum density of 710 units per hectare (up from 250 units/ha currently) through the approval of a bonus zone. The bonus zone would require enhanced urban design and underground parking. This application is considered to be residential intensification under the policies of the City's Official Plan.

Update as of Nov 2018: the proposed bonus zoning now includes 25 affordable housing units at 95% of average market rent. 


What are the next steps?

There will be a second public participation meeting at City Hall on 12 November 2018, no earlier than 7pm.

Public input is important and encouraged. Please contact City Planner, Sonia Wise with your thoughts. Please refer to the file number “Z-8875” when sending your comments. If you post comments in the feedback box below, please indicate if you would like me to share your comments with planning staff.

What's Happened So Far

  • There was a public participation meeting on 18 June 2018 to receive a report on public feedback on the proposal. There was no zoning bylaw amendment being recommended by staff at this meeting. Planning committee unanimously endorsed the following resolution: "Civic Administration BE REQUESTED to include, as part of any recommended bonus zoning, the provision of a portion of the total units of the proposed building as affordable housing units."
  • There was a public open house on 29 March 2018 from 6pm-8pm, hosted at the Old East Village BIA offices at 317 Rectory St.

Key Documents

Key Contacts

I'm interested to know what you think about the proposed amendment to the zoning by-law. Please provide your feedback in the box below, email me at [email protected] or call me at 226-268-7536 (mobile).

Sonia Wise, Planner, 519-661-2489 ext 5887, [email protected]

Members of the planning and environment committee: my colleagues on the committee are Stephen Turner (Chair), Tanya ParkAnna Hopkins and Maureen Cassidy.

Recent responses